Thursday, October 31, 2019

Internet Tools for Dirt Bikes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Internet Tools for Dirt Bikes - Essay Example Since Dirt Bikes already offers Internet access to every employee who uses a desktop computer, it would be prudent to develop private network by utilizing the present network connections. Intranet would thus be a viable alternative. Other internet tools I would recommend for the company are Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). The table below summarizes the benefits of the recommended internet tools (Bias 52): Internet tools Department Benefits Intranet Sales and Marketing †¢ Private †¢ Secure †¢ Protected by firewall †¢ Prevents unauthorized access of information †¢ Easy access of information †¢ Improved sales through convenient tracking †¢ Higher productivity †¢ Reduced costs Human Resource †¢ Extra security †¢ Easy-to-navigate environment †¢ Easy accessibility †¢ Access rights †¢ Interactive interface †¢ Less time spent on searching information †¢ Replaces cumbersome manu als †¢ Saves time and paper Manufacturing and Production †¢ Easy consolidation of data from many sources †¢ Increased speed of access †¢ Intranet offers centralized manufacturing and publishing of data †¢ Fosters collaboration between manufacturing and other functional groups †¢ Easy identification of product problems †¢ Improved inventory control †¢ Easy implementation of design changes †¢ Reduced cost †¢ Enhanced productivity

Monday, October 28, 2019

Leadership Essay Example for Free

Leadership Essay There are some concepts about leadership in the world, some people think leaders are born, and some people believe that leaders are made. If employees believe that leaders are born and not made, it may be demoralising. Some people may have the inherent qualities to become leaders, but they may not have developed their leadership because nobody else has ever noticed potential leadership qualities in them. Leaders move out of comfort zones. When one reflects on whether leaders are born or made, it is important to define what a leader is as well as to distinguish between a leader in management and a leader in another field of expertise. Leadership and management are two distinctive yet complementary systems of action. †(Story Cover, 1993). Because â€Å"management power comes from organizational structure, it promotes stability, order and problem solving within the structure. Leadership power, on the other hand, comes form personal sources that are not as invested in the organization, such as personal interests, goals and values. Leadership power promotes vision, creativity and change in the organization† (Samson and Daft, 2005). Management centres on handling complexity and Leadership are to face the new challenges (Story, 1993). For example, in peacetime, an army can train very well under good management, but there is no one who can manage people into battle, the soldiers of course will led by leaders (Story, 1993). â€Å"Management is a skill that can be learned, Leadership is a calling†(Shea, cited in Story, 1993, p. 34). Shea acknowledges, â€Å"Some leadership qualities can be learned, but only if the raw material exists† (Shea, cited in Story, 1993, p. 34). Therefore when good leaders are provided with ample management skills, then they can get their goals, good leaders will be able to communicate their goals to employees in such an effective way that the employees will be able to identify with the goals and will strive to achieve it. â€Å"According to Shea, a good manager may be able to keep even an inefficient organization running relatively smoothly. But a good leader can transform a demoralized organization†(Shea, cited in Story, 1993, p. 34). Consequently, good leadership ability will become an increasingly important quality in the future. A good leader has an impact on the employees and the future of the company. And some times leaders have to face some tough situations. A new leader may for example have to dismantle bureaucratic old rules in a company that already existed for more â€Å"150 years† (Osborne, 2006, cited in Warwick, p. 15). Since such a leader is totally new in the company, people would not want to listen to him, even though he would have to implement more effective procedures for the company. They would feel that he lacks legitimacy, and they actually know the company better than him. This is a common problem that a new leader may face, who still needs to prove his legitimacy. To overcome this obstacle, a leader needs â€Å"strong communication† (Warwick, 2006). Furthermore a leader may not be seen as legitimate because â€Å"employees know more about technical details† (Samson and Daft, 2005, p. 430). To overcome this problem an effective leader could empower employees (Osborne, 2006, cited in Warwick, 2006, p. 15; Samson and Daft, 2005). A good leader must be able to communicate his ideas, so that employees will respect his ideas. If a leader succeeds in communicating responsibility, motivation, and vision to people under him, new leaders are born when they are empowered. Good leaders are not supervisors; instead they delegate responsibility to employees (Warwick, 2006). This is also called â€Å"legitimate power† which stems from a formal management position in an organization and the authority granted to it† (Samson and Daft, 2005). â€Å"Leadership is not rank or status. The military has rules and regulations, paper and procedures. The officers have rank, status and power. But does this necessarily make them leaders? No! Leadership cannot be imposed†(Ron Eddy, 1998). For example, Thomas C. Graham, the chairman of AK Steel, used the military way to manage his staff; however he still failed to get promotion and make more contributions for the company (Samson and Daft, 2005, p. 430) Military style dictatorship is not good leadership. Leaders should give more space and more responsibilities to their staff so that they will know that they are responsible for the company, everyone is part of the company, so it will make them put more passion on their job and then they will push themselves very hard. A good leader must be able to make tough decisions (Warwick, 2006). For example, he may have to retrench superfluous employees (Osborne, 2006, cited in Warwick, 2006). This is form of â€Å"coercive power† (Samson and Daft, 2005). But a leader should also empower employees. If a leader empowers people this will create responsibility in employees (Samson and Daft, 2005) and will also create a competitive environment where employees will feel valued, because expertise is valued. But they have the responsibility be cost effective. They will be rewarded for they own initiative, this rewards could include â€Å"pay increases or promotions†¦ praise, attention and recognition† (Samson and Daft, 2005, p. 429). When management empowers employees it will develop the self-confidence of employees, who will feel good about themselves, and will in turn respect the leader who has promoted their self-esteem. When employees show that they respect their leaders it will enhance their leader’s confidence. Self-confidence is a quality that must be distinguished from ego or bravado, which may be superficial or feigned. True self-confidence is the deep conviction that ones strategies are the most appropriate for solving the problems at hand. It may be crucial to weather the stormy periods that will inevitably occur at many times during the voyage. A leader should give birth to leaders in a company, not to lead the company, but to be leaders in their field. If you never give a responsibility to staff, they will never create new things in their domain. And follow the old habits forever. Hence, a leader of an organization has to lead it to â€Å"constantly reinvent† itself (Warwick, 2006). This is necessary in order to make things more efficient for the company, although the leader’s decisions may be unpopular, it will be effective if he can convince people why change is necessary. Leaders are made when management empowers employees. Leaders should encourage employees to search for new and innovative solutions. Leaders are lifelong learners. â€Å"The gifted leader never stops learningshe reads, she listens, she observes. It is important to note that formal education isnt a necessary ingredient to become a gifted leader. Our three case studies received a traditional medical education that creates followers, rather than leaders. None of them pursued another advanced degree, such as an MBA or MHAthey achieved their lofty status by other means† (William R Fifer, 1997). Creativity and initiative are stimulated when people are given more responsibilities. Leadership means, literally, to go in advance (William R, Fifer, 1997). A leader who gives more responsibility and confidence to employees makes them less dependent on supervision. â€Å"The gifted leader must be able to break away from dependence on the group and visualize new directions. Good leaders in management will lead employees to become leaders in their fields of xpertise that in turn will transform the company into a leading organisation. Thomas Frist, Jr. , MD, who built the giant empire Hospital Corporation of America, once described the solitary long walks he took in all kinds of weather. He said he always got at least one idea out of each walk† (William R Fifer, 1997). A good leader will have the ability to weather both difficult peri ods and good times. He/she will find ways to come up with new ideas whilst also constantly challenge and motivate employees to search for innovative ideas that can be implemented to ensure that the organization becomes a leader in its field. Leaders who have the ability to empower employees have inborn qualities. Intelligence is a key ingredient, especially the kind associated with verbal facility (William R, 1997). Good judgment or simple common sense is another important trait. A colleague of mine fired a seemingly gifted employee after a brief stint on the job; when I asked what the problem was, my colleague replied, He couldnt anticipate! I knew exactly what he meant (William R, 1997). â€Å"Personality, which may be defined as whatever makes a person attractive to others†(William R, Fifer, 1997). They must have boundless energy, be assertive and aggressive. Maybe that training can improve the ability to lead or manage, people need the right qualities to begin with. ( Vaughan, 2002). â€Å"†¦I’d place a greater interest on the qualities rather than training because some people, no matter how well trained, will never be leaders†(Vaughan Gareth, 2002). To be honest, leaders are not like other normal people, â€Å"Leaders do not have to be great men or women by being intellectual geniuses or omniscient prophets to succeed, but they do need to have the right stuff and this stuff is not equally present in all people† (David L, Cawthon, 1996). Successful leaders understand how people from different cultures view them and interpret their actions and adapt their behaviour accordingly†(Dale Pfeifer, 2006). Leadership is a very difficult, indomitable work with a great responsibility and pressure that they will have to suffer. Abraham Zaleznik (1992) contends that â€Å"the ability to lead is directly linked to ones personality. Leaders and managers, he writes, are not the same. Whereas managers tend to favor maintenance of the status quo, leaders seek to transform what is into what should be. As a result, leaders have more in common with artists than they do with managers† (Zaleznik, 1992, cited in David L, 1996) A good leader who has the ability that can always makes a good judgment in the tough situation and have the strong communication which he need to convince and inspire employees in the company in a fast changing world. Not many people have that inborn qualities, therefore how to use that power will be the most important thing that leaders have to consider about. A good leader will help the company to solve the problems such as, global warming challenges and the shift in economic power form the USA to China and India and how employees will need leaders who can cope with change and who can plan for unforeseen challenges. Born leaders have the ability to give vision, responsibility, and legitimacy to employees and this empowerment makes leaders.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Disadvantages Of Vulnerable People In Society Social Work Essay

The Disadvantages Of Vulnerable People In Society Social Work Essay All Professional occupations are guided by ethical codes and underpinned by Values (Bishman, 2004) and from the very beginning of Social Work, the profession has been seen as firmly rooted in values (Reamer, 2001) (Cited by Bishman, 2004) Every person has a set of beliefs which influence actions, values relate to what we think others should do and what we ought to do, they are personal to us. (Parrot, 2010:13) Although society may been seen as having shared values we are all brought up with different personal values bases, this is an important point to consider when working with others, because our values can influence the way we behave. It would therefore be seen as foolish to underestimate the significance of values within the Social Work Profession. (Thompson, 2005: 109) Our Personal Values can change over time, and our behaviour can alter as a result of the situation we are in. From a young age one of the most important values instilled in me by my parents was to have respect for others, this should be carried throughout life as we should treat others the way in which we would expect to be treated. The importance of having a value base for Social Work is to guide Social Workers and protect the interest of Services Users. (Parrot, 2010:17) As a practising Social Worker it is important to recognise personal values and to be able to understand, situations will present themselves were personal and professional values can conflict. It was only when we had the speakers in that I began to question my own values. NISCC outlines a code of Practice for Social Workers to adhere to, from listening to the speakers in class one issue that was highlighted was that of partnership. Partnership is now a very evident part of everyday language of people involved in the process of providing care. (Tait and Genders 2002) However it is not always put into practice. Mr Y referred to being kept in the dark about his illness, he was eventually given a diagnosis, but it was never explained to him what the meaning of this diagnosis was or how it would affect his life. Social Workers have to exercise professional discretion, due to the nature of their work; judgements have to be made which involve values and consequences that make the worker accountable for their actions. (Thompson 2009) Partnership working is very important for people with a disability, I was able to recognise a conflict with my personal values when one of the Mr X spoke about a visit to the GP, where the GP was asking the carer how the Service User was feeling rather that asking them, from listening to this I was able to recognise that this is something that I have done in the past and possible infantilises the individual with comments such as referring to them as we dote or wee pet and I never thought that there was anything wrong with using these statements, however from the experience gained I can recognise that my personal values and the professional values are in conflict at this point. It is a way of oppressing this individual, and failure to promote their rights as an person. When viewing this in conjunction with the NISCC Code Of Practice, it was clear that there was a conflicting of values. NISCC states that as a Social Care worker we must protect the rights and promote the interests of service users and carers as the Disabled Movement states Nothing about us, without us. We need to consider the Service User perspective, one of the speakers stated effective partnership working should include the professionals and the Service user. Partnership is a key value in the professional value base underpinning Community Care. Braye and Preston-Shoot 200343) Partnership should be promoted in several ways such as keeping an open dialogue between professionals and Service Users, setting aims, being honest about the differences of opinion and how the power differences can affect them and providing the Service User with information that helps to promote their understanding. (Braye and Preston-Shoot 2003) In the case if the speaker who was not given a diagnosis for a long time and was just put out of the consultants office this key areas did not apply. Another issue that was striking was that of independence, initially my personal view was not of someone with a disability being independent, my personal experience in the past had led me to believe that people with a disability required a lot of help and were dependant on a carer to provide that help, I didnt view them as being in employment. Some of these values were quite dormant until I began working in the Social Care Field. The Speakers that we had in from Willow bank explained that they all have jobs and aim to be as independent as possible. This highlighted the conflict between my personal and professional values which I need to be aware of. The NISCC code of practice states a Social Worker should promote the independence of Service Users, this is one conflict that I can acknowledge with my personal values, I need to look at the bigger picture an view the service users as individual people with unique traits and interests it is important that they are not labelled due to their disability, It is viewed that it is society which disables physically impaired people, disability is something imposed on top of impairments by the way we are unnecessarily isolated and excluded from full participation in society. (Oliver 1996) My Personal view was that I believe that we should aim to do things for people with disabilities, I have often found myself carrying out tasks for them that I know they are able to perform themselves, when the speaker from sixth sense spoke about how she had been spoon fed and pushed around the playground as a child had gave her a sense of learned helplessness, it made me acknowledge my own actions. Again this is another area where my personal values conflict with the professional values. Respect for persons in an extremely important values, although I believe I was brought up to show respect for others by creating dependency in a way is disrespectful to the individual. The promotion of independence is important, it is crucial to see those with a disability as individual people. The NISCC code of practice highlights As a social care worker, you must respect the rights of service users while seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or other people. Keeping in line with the NISCC Code of Practice I need to actively challenge my own prejudices in order to ensure that I am promoting anti-oppressive practice. Being able to understand the value conflicts in practice can prove to be very beneficial. It can help us acknowledge the differences in the power structure, which can oppress the service user. Social Workers aim to empower the Service User, to help them help themselves. It is important that Professional values are always at the forefront to promote anti-oppressive practice. Social Work Practice is underpinned by laws, policies and procedures. It is important to always be aware of the Service Users perspectives, this will help ensure more effective and efficient practice. Both our personal and professional values need to be acknowledged for effective and efficient practice. It is of little use if Social Workers have a professional value base which doesnt inform or influence their practice, Social Work ethics can be understood as Values put into actions. (Banks, 2006)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Close Company, Stories Of Moth :: essays research papers

Women during the time that A Visit from the Footbinder was written were willing to accept pain to fulfill society’s concept of beauty and to keep their position in society. Women’s role in this society was one in which they lacked any sense of power and they were therefore fully dependent on men. Hence, they were willing to suffer through the excruciating torture of crushing their toes under the weight of their own bodies in order to make themselves desirable enough to attract a wealthy husband.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The roles of men and women in this story are quite rigid, therefore allowing women little room to go against society. This is due in part to the economy, which does not permit much movement for neither race nor gender. Therefore, when one is born into a class they must conform to its standards. Women are generally given more rights and freedoms if they provide a direct economic function in society, such as owning and managing property to produce goods. Most of the property was passed down from father to son, though, and women had no rights. That is why the fathers had to decide on a dowry to marry off their daughters. Economically, men fulfill the â€Å"important† roles while women work â€Å"behind the scenes,† raising children and taking care of the household. These â€Å"simple† jobs that women perform cause them to be dependent on men, and relegate them into a subordinate position. Society’s attitude of women being weak and dependen t, while men are strong and in control, stems from the roles they are obligated to fulfill. Women are restricted to these roles because the idea of what a â€Å"good† woman or man should be becomes so ingrained into the culture. Society condemns that which is different, mainly due to fear, making it difficult for anyone to go against its belief systems. In the story, both the men and the women are really against the idea of the footbinding deep down. When asked if it will hurt, Tiger Mouse tells Pleasure Mouse that perhaps â€Å"the pain is so great that one’s sentiments are smashed like egg shells†(Prager 50]. Warm Milk, the concubine, fell in front of Pleasure Mouse’s door one night and said, â€Å"It is my legs. They are swollen like dead horses in the mud. And as for my feet, well, they’re no longer of this earth,† and then she says â€Å"They cannot bear the weight of two, Pleasure Mouse, but never say I said so.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Simple Gift

Why is belonging significant to each and every one of us? What benefits does belonging impart for the individual? The real question is what is belonging? Belonging is a sense of acceptance felt when an individual gains an understanding of themselves in relation to others and the wider world. Sense of acceptance can be experience through time and different types of relationships or connections with their family, friends, and community, which may enhance the ability to belong or feel as though they belong.Good morning teachers and my fellow students, today, I am going to discuss with you my interpretation of acceptance in the environment of the individual and how it has been represented through the two significant texts including, free verse book The Simple Gift by Steven Herrick and wordless picture book The Arrival by Shaun Tan. Each one of these texts’ discusses and portrays the idea of being accepted or not being accepted in the environment through different circumstances bu t in a similar way.The first text is The Simple Gift by Steven Herrick which examines the life of a 16-years-old boy called Billy Luckett, who ran away from home because of the sense of isolation which shapes his identity and value. In ‘longlands road’ the imagery of the dilapidated house portray the sense of denial that Billy has experienced in past. The disconnect relationship between the place and his father, led Billy to move away from his environment to gain the sense of connection he never experienced.The isolation caused by an abusive father is seen in quote ‘‘gave me one hard backhander across the face, so hard I fell down†¦ and slammed the door on my sporting childhood. † pg. 15-16’. The technique that is used here is a metaphor explaining how Billy stopped playing sport. Billy journey of alienation ends when he moves and meets an old alcoholic man called Bill and a rich caring 17-year-old girl called Caitlin. Billy felt a physical and emotional sense of belonging to his new environment in the way its more welcoming and friendly then his hometown.Even though Billy does not belong physically, he feels he belongs emotionally because he’s away from his dad’s merciless treatment and he feels safe. The sense of acceptance of Bendarat can be seen in the quote â€Å"Bendarat is the perfect town† and this portrays that even though it’s not a perfect town but Billy sees it as a faultless town due to the connection that this town his provide Billy though old Billy and Caitlin. When Old Billy gives the key to house and Billy are not homeless boy that is not accepted but a boy that has a family and is secure.At the end of the book Belonging reaches beyond boundaries ‘and I looked up into the sky, the deep blue sky that Old Bill and I shared. ’(p. 205). This quote demonstrates the technique of symbolism the start of new journey of acceptance that comes from the connections that the individual gains through their relation with place, family or time. The second text that I have selected to portray ideas understanding and importance of belonging is The Arrival by Shaun Tan. Similar to the Simple Gift the migrant character in The Arrival leaves sense of isolation to look for and environment that would accept him.The story is told as a series of wordless images that might seem to come from a long forgotten time. Nameless man leaves his wife and child in an impoverished town that was destroyed because of the war. The man travels to an unknown country seeking better prospects for him and his family. This is seen when the visual techniques represent the family coming together. The most significant technique used on every single page of the book that lets the responder not only be in the characters shoes, but also contemplate what it would be like to be in a migrants situation, is the lack of words.This lack of words helps the responder contemplate the alienation felt by not only the character but by all migrants entering a foreign land and culture with a completely different language. Other than the responders’ contemplation of the alienation felt by the character and migrants, it also forces the responder to interpret the visual without the guidance that only words can provide finally the joy shown by the protagonist s daughter in the final chapter of the book shows the safety that has been resulted.The Simple Gift and the Arrival are similar in the way both of the main characters left their homes to look for a place that will provide them the acceptance and the belongings they need. Both of the characters environments did not provide these individual with the sense of fellowship. In The Arrival the man travels and leaves his wife and daughter to look for a better life for them in a new town.He was not force to leave but chose to leave to search for a better life for him and his family, even though he was accepted in that place but the circumstances of the war led to his movement. Much like the Simple Gift, Billy left his town for a better life away from his abusive and unaccepted father again he was not forced to leave but chose to look for a place that acknowledged him. Billy did not associate with his family or town but in The Arrival the man belonged but chose to leave for a better existence. Both characters went to search for a better and acceptance life.When Billy left he did not care about his father because he was the reason Billy left to find acceptance in the new experience where as the character in The Arrival was accepted in the town but chose to leave because of what the trouble and obstacles that the war produced. Family was a big part of the character life in the arrival where as in the simple gift Billy’s real family had no part in his life. In both texts the characters did belong in their first towns but in the simple Gift Billy chose not to belong where as in the arrival the character chos e to belong.This shows that the barrier to belonging is linked to the action of the individual interacting to the community and place to gain the feeling of acceptance. Lastly status had played a role in the movement of the both character, this is seen when the nameless man and Billy left because the poor conditions they lived in. Both books have similar technique in the way they both portray the symbolism of new journey of acceptance. In conclusion belonging is a lifelong requirement for the individual.Although how and where we experience a sense of kinship can change, but it remains a key contributor to our wellbeing and participation throughout our lives. Our sense of association can emerge from the connections we make with people, places, culture and groups. The Simple Gift and the arrival portray a clear understand of the importance and significance of belonging. Each character wants to feel belonged and they go and look for belonging. This shows that belonging is imperative in each and every one of us for our wellbeing.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Indian Boarding Schools Education Essay

Indian Boarding Schools Education Essay Indian Boarding Schools Education Essay Example Indian Boarding Schools Education Essay Example Boarding schools are establishments in which students reside throughout the terms. They eat and sleep there, and this fact actually defines the word â€Å"boarding† as bed and board. However, some institutions of this kind have learners who come to school daily and go back home in the evening. Unfortunately, most of the children end up not spending their childhood and adolescence with their parents. Care is nevertheless provided by the teaching staff in the schools as well as dorm parents who are responsible for the pupils. In western countries, boarding schools have three terms each lasting up to twelve weeks. The pupils go home for a short break in the middle of the term. Indian boarding schools came into existence during the 20th century. Their formation resulted from several reasons, and they were located in the United States of America (Pruter 40). They were meant to provide skills and knowledge to the natives’ children in the US according to the set educational principles. Among the people who founded the boarding schools were the Christian missionaries. The main purpose of the establishments under consideration was to provide education to children from poor backgrounds in less populated areas as well as places where there were no such social amenities nearby. The kids were taught how to speak in English and dress as the Americans. Consequently, it became hard for children to interconnect to their parents since they could only speak in English. The administration, however, supported this inventiveness. Later in the early 20th century, more schools came up based on integration. For differentiation purposes, the native children would have distinct haircuts that would distinguish them from the others. They were ordered not to speak their language, and their original names were changed into American names. All these things were done to incorporate the kids into the new American culture. Sometimes they were treated in an unkind manner, and small children who were not used to staying far away from their parents suffered a lot from it. With time, however, kids started enjoying the rich cultural exchange, and Indian people could now get American jobs. Nevertheless, an author by the name Sitting Bull criticizes the development and existence of these schools. He says that people should appreciate themselves whether white or black since that is how the Great Spirit meant them to be. Another famous man, Henry Ward Beecher, relates these institutions to a stomach through which all students pass and, consequently, are assimilated or embraced into new generation (Pruter 67). The life and work experience of Henry Ward Beecher contributed immensely to his strong stand against the Indian boarding schools. He was an opponent of issues that he thought were not up to standards as well as a social reformer. Being a preacher, he ensured that his family understood clearly the religion and followed it to the letter. He also went to school and studied the relationship between a person’s behavior and function (Kilde and Gonzales 37). Later, he got married and had eight children; however, the half of them passed away. The man was really interested in the high rate of slavery that was exhibited in his country. As a result, he supported military partisans who aimed at stopping people from voting for anti-abolitionist platforms and provided weapons to injure and kill the anti-abolitionists. Beecher also ordered Abraham Lincoln to release all the slaves. Not surprisingly, he gained favor with many people due to his actions. He insisted that God was part of nature and nobody had a right to interfere with his work. His life experience clearly explains his stand on boarding schools. Beecher criticized them since that was where cultural evils were carried out on innocent children (Schacht 54). According to his quote, common schools were the stomachs of the country where people were assimilated to another community. Those were the places where the pupils were forced to change their cultures and traditions in order to fit in to the ways of life of the Americans. Sitting Bull also had a life and work experience that makes his strong criticism against boarding schools clear. He was an American chief who was native. His community struggled to survive in the country. In 1874, gold was discovered in South Dakota, thus, leading to conflicts with the United States of America. The wars continued for a while; however, the natives had to give up the fight since the people were on the verge of death due to the lack of food (Pruter 30). Sitting Bull was later shot dead while being detained by the government of America. They though he would lead a movement aimed at recovering the gold and reinstating the living standards of the people. In his tribe, Sitting Bull was seen as a fighter and a man with a great vision for his community. He is commemorated for being persistent and fighting against the supremacy of white people in America (Kilde and Gonzales 88). Sitting Bull was also an opponent of the boarding schools since he strongly believed that the cultu re of the Native Americans did not have to change since it was unique in its own way. In his quote, he says that if God had wished him to be a white man, he would have done so in the first place. Each person whether black or white is equal in God’s eyes; hence, there was no need of trying to force the natives to incorporate into the culture of the Americans. He gives an analogy that it is not necessary for eagles to become crows. Each individual should feel comfortable wherever they are. The opinions of the two men about boarding schools were fair. Children there faced a lot of challenges. Concerning those who were greatly attached to their families, it was wise to involve them into the decision making before sending to such a school. These institutions were not always the best places for everyone. Such involvement would help the kids to feel appreciated. In boarding schools, the children also gained various experiences. They were either of help or affected their lives negatively. Moreover, they had no option but to adhere to the rules and regulations that governed the schools regardless of who brought those rules into existence. Additionally, for a child to be accepted into boarding school, there was a tendency that he/she had to demonstrate the ability to show good performance in their exams, and a failure meant that a pupil would repeat a year or more. Not surprisingly, this was seen as a torture to the child. Furthermore, upon joining a boarding school, some of students were bullied by the others. This was a bad behavior that led to some children losing their lives and traumatized other kids who witnessed the act. Actually, it was seen as a place where children who were rejected by their families were sent. It was not of any help as the kids did not put any effort to improve their behavior. Therefore, boarding schools should stop being seen as a disciplinary measure for those with rather bad character. There were also other drawbacks that children experienced in boarding schools. They would spend more of their time in schools than at home (Schacht 66). This kept them away from their parents denying them the pleasure of experiencing parental love. Therefore, this affected their social and inner progress. The children felt excessive periods of stress, and they became discouraged and socially secluded. This influenced their relationship with their parents, brothers and sisters. Furthermore, due to a high number of classes and extracurricular activities, the pupils lacked the time for their personal interests (Pruter 93). This is because most boarding schools were structured with a lot of rules and laws that governed the children. Not surprisingly, some students tried to fight against these regulations since they felt harassed. Being in boarding schools, the children were anticipated to perform some responsibilities before they attended lectures. These duties included cleaning of classrooms, the compound around the establishment and other activities. Some of these tasks might have been too hard for the students to handle. This could be termed to be more of slavery. On the other hand, children in boarding schools had more personal attention from their teachers than children in day schools. This factor was a result of a small number of pupils in the schools. This personal attention helped the children to improve greatly in their academic performance since they were more engaged with their teachers. Large amounts of school fees were charged, and, therefore, this allowed employing more qualified workers and buying much better resources compared to day schools. This factor contributed greatly to the development of the student’s educational life. The resources included good libraries, better playing fields and excellent equipment in the science laboratories. Consequently, the students had an opportunity to develop well in all social aspects of life since they were more exposed to modern facilities. Life in boarding schools helped the students grow self-sufficiently and become established individuals (Pruter 70). This is because they were away from family life, and they had to make their own decisions. In case the students needed any help when faced with problems, there were counseling services programs offered by the institution. Since the students in boarding school mostly met as strangers, they had to make friendship with the fellow pupils for them to start living together (Kilde and Gonzales 50). This helped them improve their way of interaction in new environments. Additionally, the children spent a lot of time with their teachers; hence, they benefited from first hand pieces of advice as the lecturers were readily available. In case a pupil faced challenges when doing the homework, a professional teacher was available to help that is the opposite of what happened in day schools where they had to be helped by the parents. To summarize, despite all the benefits of the boarding schools, these were many drawbacks that the students that influenced the attitude of the two men. According to Beecher, the children became part of the life that they experienced in these institutions since they had to adhere to the rules that controlled them in school. Sitting Bull saw the life there as a situation when the students lost their cultural values and started practicing those of others (Schacht 63). The legacy of these establishments includes abusive deeds, loss of cultural behaviors and tribal history, drug abuse, suicide, irresponsibility and slavery (Kilde and Gonzales 110). This made boarding schools to be unsuccessful. The authors were right since their quotes mention is exactly what students who went through boarding school experienced.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Harriet Tubaman and Nat Turner essays

Harriet Tubaman and Nat Turner essays Harriet Tubman and Nat Turner were abolitionists who strongly believed that all slaves should be free. Though they didnt succeed in some of their goals they inspired other abolitionist and slaves that they should fight for freedom. Nat turner was born into slavery in Virginia. As he was growing up he was known as a prophet because he learned how to read the bible at the early age. He later on became a Christian preacher Nat turners owners let him preach because they believed it would civilize slaves. Turner did not like that slave owenersz were cruel to slavesTurner started to have visions of slave revolts. There was one vision that he took as sign to rebel he heard a voice telling him that he should take the burden of Christ and fight against evil which were the his owners and that he should led the other slaves to rebel against their owners. Turner wanted to change slavery by making a rebellion. By doing a rebellion white owners would be afraid they would be killed and they would have to free slaves Turner united with other slaves at night and plans their rebellion. Since Turner believed he was Gods prophet he waited signs from God on when to rebel. Not every slave knew about His plan in killing slave owner families he knew that some body will betray him. Turners methods were violent once he killed one family he would go to the next farm and kill another family some slaves from other farms joined him. Harriet Tubman another abolitionist was born in Maryland she was also born into slavery. As she grow up being a slave she married a free black man John Tubman Harriet Tubman was a semi slave she was still a slave but she could live with her husband. When she decide to go north she knew her husband would refuse to go north with her so she left him behind. Tubman wanted slavery end abolitionist cause she joined other abolitionist who wanted to end slavery. She met abolitionist in the under ground railroad. She h...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Analytical Paper

Analytical Paper APN is a diversified media company that engages in activities such as newspaper publishing, radio broadcasting, and outdoor advertising. The company is headquartered in Sydney, Australia.For fiscal 2004, APN generated revenues of AU$1.3 billion ($979.0 million), a 12.2% increase over the previous year's revenues of AU$1.1 billion ($872.2 million). The company reported a net profit of AU$128.3million ($97.9 million) in 2004, representing a 24% increase over 2003's net profit of AU$103.5 million ($79.0 million).Business DescriptionAPN is a diversified media company. It operates in three segments: publishing, radio, and outdoor advertising.The company publishes around 24 daily and over 90 non-daily newspapers throughout Australia and New Zealand. In Australia, it serves the regions of Queensland and northern New South Wales. In New Zealand, APN operates the New Zealand Herald, which has a daily readership of 603,000 people aged over 15, as well as a number of regional and community news papers and mass-market magazines.English: Anika Moa in Invercargill,NZ - 19 March 2...APN also operates printing businesses, as well as a security plastics company.APN's radio broadcasting activities consist of investments in around 12 metropolitan radio stations in Australia and 105 radio stations in New Zealand. It manages a joint venture, the Australian Radio Network (ARN), with Clear Channel Communications, a radio broadcaster in the US.APN operates outdoor advertising categories such as posters, street furniture, transit, and supersites. It also runs outdoor businesses in New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The company's major outdoor businesses include Transit, Supersites, Rainbow, Kurnia, and Street Furniture.AnalysisAPN has links back to the pioneer newspaper families that brought a free press to the developing parts of Australia in the 1850s. These families consolidated their printing interests in 1968 to form Provincial Newspapers.In 1988, the company was acqu ired by Independent Newspapers of Ireland and changed its...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Entreprenuerism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Entreprenuerism - Essay Example The researcher states that there are many facts, that to be understood from the interview with Jay Townsend, who is a mediocre entrepreneur in New York City. The main factor which attracted the researcher to him was the amount of energy and high spirit embedded in this charismatic business man. The researcher states that it is like he is seeing the same young man, who has started his venture in an adverse business environment with all positive energy and determination. Generally speaking, it can be understood that an entrepreneur is not a normal man, but one with exceptional courage, will power, creativity and dynamic personality. He has this ever sparking aura in him that attracts people around him to perform things which are productive and positive. It can be analyzed that starting a venture can be relatively easy, than making it a successful business firm in the competitive market. The researcher learnt from Jay that being optimistic and realistic is the key elements to be a succe ssful entrepreneur. â€Å"Successful entrepreneur has fire in the belly to get going, but are also realistic and practical. They are not emotionally attached to their business idea.† To make a business run successfully needs a lot of patience and understanding of customer needs and wants. One should be ready to suffer losses and failures and consequently to rise ahead in the future with a long term success and prosperity. No business is a cake walk, but a tremendous team work and significant risk taking can make it an adventurous experience.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Culture Serves as Informal Structure in Organizations - Organisational Research Paper

Culture Serves as Informal Structure in Organizations - Organisational Behavior - Research Paper Example Organizations both small and large multinational conglomerates can achieve high profits in their business by matching their needs with the structure they employ in operation. There are various forms of organizational structures and they include function, matrix and division structures. In a functional structure, an organization is set up in order to group every portion of the organization according to its purpose and this structure works well for small businesses where each department relies on the talent and knowledge of workers and support. Nevertheless, the main drawback for the structure is that coordination and communication-linking departments are restricted by organizational boundaries that have various departments working separately. Divisional structure is employed in large organizations that work in large geographic location or in organizations that have different small organizations in the same company to take care of different forms of products or even market areas. The s tructure is beneficial in that it enables needs to be met rapidly although communication is inhibited since employees are in various divisions thus not working together; besides, the structure is costly owing to its size and scope. The matrix structure is a hybrid of both functional and divisional structures and is often employed by multinational companies since it allows the benefits of functional and divisional structures to exist in a single organization. Nevertheless, the structures create a potential for power struggles since many areas of the organization have dual management like a functional manager as well as a product or divisional manager working in the same stage and covering same managerial territory (Singh, 2010).  

Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Review - Article Example The previous three models of strategic change were based on the preferred methods indicating how companies can bring about fundamental changes in their work in the best manner. The first model emphasized almost exclusively over the senior management for the planning and implementation of change. This planning oriented model had several issues in the implementation phase of the planned change, such as time, speed, resources, etc. which were often found to be inadequate in comparison with the previously considered options during the planning phase. Also, the middle managers were often not committed to the planned change since they were not involved in the planning process and thereby, have difficulties in understanding the proposed plan. Though, these middle rank managers have important information and ideas to contribute to the planning of the desired change. Hence, the second model was developed that focused on the implementation phase by including the middle managers in the formulat ion of strategic change plans, where detailed execution schemes were also discussed and developed. However, the organizations still experienced a number of implementation issues such as inadequate progress, broad systemic issues (norms, culture, policies, rewards, management styles, etc.), unexpected delays and organizational resistance. Thus, the third model came into existence focusing on the readiness for change but still there were problems like broad scale resistance, time limits, and emergence of new problems not been anticipated before during the planning phase. The unusual aspect of this model had been the involvement of employees, customers, suppliers and other key stakeholders in the implementation process. Due to the drawbacks of the previous three models, the fourth model of strategic change that is called ‘the learning organization’ is under development right now. This new model engages everyone, involved in origination, in the identification and resolution of the problems, all of the time. Summary of the Author’s Conclusions and/or Recommendations The plans developed under the learning organization model are not just the concepts of top management but are also completely shared and supported by the people involved in the development of these plans. The learning organization model improvises change by means of small rewards, experiments and institutionalization of success across the organization instead of just executing plans by the numbers. The true form of the change is gradually revealed by the creative and spontaneous actions of the people across the organization. Accomplishments and successes are bolstered and institutionalized with the passing time, which changes or augments the formal structures, systems, and procedures of the organization. This model selects the action, reflects and modifies the course as it goes that improves the speed and effectiveness of the implementation of the planned change. However, there is a danger that this model will lead to its own quick fix solutions in a box and that this model will be recognized as the ultimate solution for the problems like surprise and stagnancy. Thus, this new model recognizes that any specific plan or program can be unsuccessful. Even

The pollution of East Yangtze River in China Essay

The pollution of East Yangtze River in China - Essay Example Thesis statement: It is evident that pollution is threatening the existence of the East Yangtze River in China because the river’s downstream economic region is highly polluted due to industrial wastes, agricultural pollution, shipping discharges in general. Basically, this river (say, East Yangtze River) originates from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and flows through different districts in China and ends its journey at the East China Sea. To be specific, this river begins its journey at Qinghai and ends its journey at Shanghai. The banks of this river are filled with agricultural areas, industrial zones, and acts as a lifeline for one-third of the total population of China. This river is most important for the nation because its flow is limited with the borders of China and boosts up agricultural production and industrialization in general. This section examines the grass-root level reasons behind the pollution faced by the East Yangtze River within Chinese context, and this section is broadly divided as: industrial wastes, agricultural pollution, shipping discharges. The process of rapid industrialization in China, especially in the eastern China pollutes the East Yangtze River. For instance, the factories based upon metal industry allow metallic waste materials to enter the river and it results in metal pollution. Similarly, paper-making industry (say, factories/paper mills) in the banks of the river allow toxic waste materials to enter the river. This sort of polluting waste particles can contaminate river water and can affect aquatic life in general. The SEPA report in the year 2000 proves that the river Yangtze and its tributaries are forced to face the after-effects of the rapid industrialization in Chinese context because the river system is treated as a dumping yard (Hill 2010: 280). Besides, the shipbuilding industry results in the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

European Convention on Womens Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

European Convention on Womens Rights - Essay Example This further leads to women's dependency on men and particularly in circumstances where women are expected to perform in-house responsibilities as well like domestic work and children rearing. (Ball, 2001) Ranging from gender politics to sexual trafficking, European Convention (EC) action has weakened women's social rights more seriously than men's by emphasising upon the issue 'gender inequality'. No doubt EC has taken measures to reduce gender inequality and has diminished gender differences in various aspects of paid, unpaid and employed labour but this is also true that EC has only viewed one side of the picture. The other side EC does not want to view which states that women must be categorised for the household services she performs in the name of duties. With the weakening of welfare systems and restriction of the social rights of citizens to the working population, the gender hierarchy has implicitly embedded in the very notion of worker weighs more and more heavily on the social citizenship of women, especially of those from the weakest social strata. This is evident from the fact that U.N also runs in parallel with the EC when it comes to women's rights. In this context Newspaper article written by Archibald (June 5, 2000) mentions Mrs. Aguirre statement as "the attempted expansion of U.N. women's rights initiatives in the sexual realm has 'angered' women from less-developed countries, where religious faith is strong". (Archibald, June 5, 2000) Whatever is the religious faith and what ever be the nation, EC must understand that women's rights must be measured according to their limitations. I would also like to present her (Mrs. Aguirre) viewpoint in a feminist critical way in which she said that "Parenting and motherhood should not be taken as issues that discriminate men from women". (Archibald, June 5 2000) Now was she trying to convince that the women must not call their voice upon inequality and discrimination Mallik while focusing on women inequality stated a critical question in Magazine article UN Chronicle (Sept 2006) that why is it that despite being on the crossroads of women inequality, the Government is not appointing a woman for the General Assembly (Mallik, Sept, 2006) Similarly, European Court of Justice refused in giving decision in support of migrant women thereby rejecting the idea that children look after could be considered as 'work'. (Ackers, 2004) It seems the EU Convention has tried to keep itself aloof from the matters of resolving the issues of inequality. According to Rubbery (1999) "In the context of the European Union's social policy, equal opportunity is synonymous with material equality. That means the promotion of equal opportunities refer to a process aimed at eliminating inequalities which further justifies that inequality refer to promoting equality between women and men" (Rubery, 1999, p. 7). That simply implies to the fact that working women are no longer taken into account by the EC who are engaged in double duties, i.e., child rearing and employment. While diminishing women's social rights, Let us take a look at the European

Utopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Utopia - Essay Example The term was introduced by Thomas Moore, who invented the term to describe his imaginary Island where the inhabitants of the island enjoy the perfect social, legal and political system. An Island, where nothing is amiss, nothing is wrong and people lead what we can call a â€Å"Utopian or flawless† form of life. In modern Latin, â€Å"utopia† means â€Å"nowhere†. As years passed by, Thomas Moore’s famous word became an adjective to be used to describe not just his island but any state of perfectness. In the lives that we live every day, from the moment we learn about the terms â€Å"happiness† or â€Å"flawless† we start on a journey to pursue them and turn our own little lives into something that we consider blessed. But, the truth is no one is ever really happy or satisfied. I am not saying it s a crime to be not or dissatisfied but the fact is that Thomas Moore’s word â€Å"utopia† has little space in our lives. â€Å"Richa rd Cory† a short, narrative and meaningful poem that I came across, vindicates my argument substantially. He was gracious, generous, well schooled and wealthy yet at the end of the poem he ends up shooting himself in the head. Herein, we see that even though Richard Cory had all the materialistic possessions that a person needs for his survival, he was not satisfied and his life was not worth living at all. At first it seems almost necessary to describe Mr. Cory’s life as a Utopian life since everything seemed so perfect yet the end of his story makes us think otherwise- How can the term Utopia be used for a state that is nonexistent?

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The pollution of East Yangtze River in China Essay

The pollution of East Yangtze River in China - Essay Example Thesis statement: It is evident that pollution is threatening the existence of the East Yangtze River in China because the river’s downstream economic region is highly polluted due to industrial wastes, agricultural pollution, shipping discharges in general. Basically, this river (say, East Yangtze River) originates from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and flows through different districts in China and ends its journey at the East China Sea. To be specific, this river begins its journey at Qinghai and ends its journey at Shanghai. The banks of this river are filled with agricultural areas, industrial zones, and acts as a lifeline for one-third of the total population of China. This river is most important for the nation because its flow is limited with the borders of China and boosts up agricultural production and industrialization in general. This section examines the grass-root level reasons behind the pollution faced by the East Yangtze River within Chinese context, and this section is broadly divided as: industrial wastes, agricultural pollution, shipping discharges. The process of rapid industrialization in China, especially in the eastern China pollutes the East Yangtze River. For instance, the factories based upon metal industry allow metallic waste materials to enter the river and it results in metal pollution. Similarly, paper-making industry (say, factories/paper mills) in the banks of the river allow toxic waste materials to enter the river. This sort of polluting waste particles can contaminate river water and can affect aquatic life in general. The SEPA report in the year 2000 proves that the river Yangtze and its tributaries are forced to face the after-effects of the rapid industrialization in Chinese context because the river system is treated as a dumping yard (Hill 2010: 280). Besides, the shipbuilding industry results in the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Utopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Utopia - Essay Example The term was introduced by Thomas Moore, who invented the term to describe his imaginary Island where the inhabitants of the island enjoy the perfect social, legal and political system. An Island, where nothing is amiss, nothing is wrong and people lead what we can call a â€Å"Utopian or flawless† form of life. In modern Latin, â€Å"utopia† means â€Å"nowhere†. As years passed by, Thomas Moore’s famous word became an adjective to be used to describe not just his island but any state of perfectness. In the lives that we live every day, from the moment we learn about the terms â€Å"happiness† or â€Å"flawless† we start on a journey to pursue them and turn our own little lives into something that we consider blessed. But, the truth is no one is ever really happy or satisfied. I am not saying it s a crime to be not or dissatisfied but the fact is that Thomas Moore’s word â€Å"utopia† has little space in our lives. â€Å"Richa rd Cory† a short, narrative and meaningful poem that I came across, vindicates my argument substantially. He was gracious, generous, well schooled and wealthy yet at the end of the poem he ends up shooting himself in the head. Herein, we see that even though Richard Cory had all the materialistic possessions that a person needs for his survival, he was not satisfied and his life was not worth living at all. At first it seems almost necessary to describe Mr. Cory’s life as a Utopian life since everything seemed so perfect yet the end of his story makes us think otherwise- How can the term Utopia be used for a state that is nonexistent?

Team Decision Making For At-Risk Families Essay Example for Free

Team Decision Making For At-Risk Families Essay Team decision making in regards to at risk-families involves supportive individuals who collaborate together to making decisions that will affect a child in the protection of the social welfare system placement. Batterson, et al, (Batterson,, 2007, p.5) states, â€Å"Team decision making utilizes the strength based resources of the family, extended family, and community in making decisions of placement for at-risk children who are in the care of child welfare.† This approach is important because it allows for individuals to come together to discuss and collaborate on placement solution in placing a child. In collaboration with the social worker those involved with team decision making are able to provide valuable information, resources and placement solutions that child welfare alone could not provide. Values and Beliefs of Team Decision Making The underlying values and beliefs of team decision making below are as stated by Edward Sagatun-Edward (Edward, J.L Sagatun-Edward I, 2007, p. 4) according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation are: ââ€" ª Families have strengths and can change families have the tools and resources that are needed in making decisions that can effect change. ââ€" ª We must set up opportunities for families to show their strengths –families must be provided with opportunities to demonstrate their strengths in making decisions ââ€" ª A group can usually be more effective in making good decisions than an individual – when a group collaborate there is an influx of ideas and solutions rather than one person trying to figure out a solution. ââ€" ª Families are experts about themselves – families know the inner working of the family dynamics and can relate to others about what is going on than someone else. They know the beliefs and values that are with their unique family structure. ââ€" ª When families are included in the decision making, they are capable of identifying their own needs and strengths – Instead of outsiders trying to determine and identify the family’s needs the family is able voice their needs as they identify the needs of the family and what they can contribute through their strengths. ââ€" ª Members of the family’s own community add value to the process by serving as natural allies to the family and as experts regarding the community’s resources – Relatives, friends, community leaders are valuable in TDM because they bring a different perspective in supporting the family with their resources. Team Decision Making Models Family Group Conferencing FGC is a model that is used to bring together a child, an immediate or extended family member and a child protection professional to resolve family issues in regards to child protection. These individuals will air out issues, come to a resolution of issues and develop a plan for future action ((Huntsman, 2006, p.1) Child Protection Mediation – CPM is a collaborative problem solving process involving an unbiased person who facilitates constructive mediation and communication between parents, lawyers, and child protection professionals in coming to an agreement on how to resolve concerns when a child is alleged to have been victim of maltreatment (Guidelines for Child Mediation, 2011, p.5). Wraparound Services Wraparound is an intensive, comprehensive model of engaging with children, youth, and their families who have complex needs so that the child or youth will not be uprooted from their homes or communities and in the process helping them to realiz e their hopes and dreams (Wraparound Basics, 2012). Family Finding Developed by Kevin A. Campbell is a model that offers techniques to track down and involve relatives of children currently displaced out of there natural home environment. The goal of Family Finding is to connect each child with a family member or relative, so that every child may benefit from the lifelong connections that only a family provides (National Institute For Permanent Family Connectedness, 2012). Emancipation Conferences An emancipation conference brings the youth together with family, professionals, and significant individuals in the youths life to establish a plan for the time when the youth will reach adulthood and age out of the child welfare system protection (Edward, J.L Sagatun-Edward, D. I, 2007, p. 9). Advantages of Team Decision Making Team decision making in regards to at-risk families has many advantages. Some advantages according to American Humane Association are: FGDM keeps children safe, result in more permanent placements, decrease the need for foster care, maintain family bonds, and increase family well-being (American Humane Association, 2010, p.1). Also according to De La Cruz, TDM relieves the caseworker from making difficult decision on own and when family members are allowed to get involved with the decision making process they are more apt in participating in decisions that are made in order to keep family intact (De La Cruz, L, 2007, p. 30). Barriers of Team Decision Making According to Edward Sagatun-Edward some barriers to team decision making is the capital it would take to implement the different team decision making models, the need for further staff training and development, and would add more stress to already overworked social workers (Edward, J.L Sagatun-Edward, D. I, 2007, p. 10). Although, these are barriers Edward Sagatun-Edward mention in the long run the cost would be nominal when considering the cost of keeping children in foster care and in the criminal justice system when they reach adulthood. Team Decision Making Impact schools Team decision making may impact schools in regards to working with an at-risk student by bringing together the student guardian or trusted friend, teacher and school social worker or psychologist to collaborate and make a decision on what steps need to be taken to ensure basic needs and educational needs are being met. For example, a student who suffers from oppositional defiant disorder risk being put into the juvenile court system due to truancy issues, risk being tossed out of his home and is on the verge of failing all of his courses. Team decision making can be utilized to make decisions on getting the youth on the right path. This would involve collaborating with the youth, family members or relative, school psychologist or social worker to discuss the underlying issues of what is really going on with the student and then coming to a consensus on a decision and plan of action to improve the student situation. This is just one way team decision making can impact schools. The important thing to remember is that in order to ensure a successful team decision method is effective is to have a strength-based mindset that involves the belief that everyone has strength and resources they can contribute to solve a solution. If this is taking into consideration within the school system there would be more freedom to collaborate in helping to solve difficult decisions. References Batterson, M., Crampton, D., Crea, T., Harris, F., Abramson Madden, A., Usher, L., Williams, J. (2007, February). Implementing Family to Family. Retrieved December 17, 2012, from Child Welfare Policy Briefing: Family Group Decision Making. (2010, August 2). American Humane Association, 1(3), 1. Retrieved from De La Cruz, L. (2009). Implementation and Effectiveness of Team Decision Making In Sacramento County Child Welfare (Masters thesis). Retrieved December 17, 2012, from Edwards, J.L. Sagatun-Edwards, D.I. (2007). The transition to group decision making in child protection cases: Obtaining better results for children and families. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 58(1). Retrieved from Guidelines for Child Protection Mediation (2011, November). Retrieved December 17, 2012, from Huntsman, L. (2006, July). Family group conferencing in a child welfare context. Retrieved December 17, 2012, from What is Family Finding and Permanency (2012). In National Institute For Permanent Family Connectedness. Retrieved December 17, 2012, from Wraparound basics (2012). In National

Monday, October 14, 2019

SWOT Analysis Of The Post Office Ltd

SWOT Analysis Of The Post Office Ltd The Post Office Ltd in United Kingdom, a subsidiary of Royal Mail Group Ltd, attained its separated identity in 1987 Post Office in UK is quite famous for two main services, first and the obvious one from its name is clear, that it provides the Postal services to its customers. Second reason for its popularity is the Post Office Card Account which is basic account allowing customers to collect benefit payments. There are other services also being provided by the Post Office, which are discussed in brief in the assignment. Today, Post Office has around 11,843 (according to an auditor working for the post office) branches spread around UK, and offer various range of services for its customers. The management of Post Office have been very resourceful in adopting technology as a part of its operational functions, with the new horizon system introduced in the year 2000 (ref), revolutionizing the basic system of serving Post Office customer. As, technology is advancing, traditional manner of Post ing letter is fading away, exposing the entire Post al industry with danger of extinction. Thus, it has now become imperative for the organization like Post Offices to conduct a through SWOT analysis in order to sustain and survive in immensely hi-tech global market. Strengths The Post Office of United Kingdom has to be appraised of its diversified operations. The process of division and diversification can be traced back to the year 1986, when the company got separated and became subsidiary of Royal Mail Group Ltd, to attain its separate identity from mere the once providing the Post al services. The process of diversification was persistent and continuous and today Post Office provides more than 8 different kinds of services to its customer veering from saving and investment, to telephone and from government licenses to bill payments. So, it would be justified to evaluate this diversification of Post Office in different services to be one of its major strength. This diversification helps Post Office to attract a large mass of customer, ranging from men, women and children, old and young as well as business and social. Extensive and Diversified Services The different kind of services that the Post Office provides starts from its Post al services, where the branches accept mail for two collection and delivery divisions i.e. Royal Mail and Parcel Force. In banking services, the Post Office has arrangements with various banking corporations and customer of these banks can use basic services of banks like cash withdrawals and cash deposit. In savings and investment services, the Post Office since long has been an agent of national saving and investment, providing customers with the basic services of depositing money and withdrawals from their saving accounts. For telephone services the Post Office provides home landline telephone services, and also provides top-up for various services networks. Insurance services is quite diversified in itself, as Post Office provides insurance in most of the areas, starting with Car and Van Insurance, Home Insurance, Business Insurance, Life (term) Insurance, Over 50à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s cover (for elderly citizens) pet insurance and its very famous travel insurance. Foreign Exchange services is a very essential service that the Post Office provides, as the customers just walk in to their Post Office and can convert currencies, but not all Post Office branches provide these services. Government Services include providing checking and sending services for passport Offices and the driving license authority (DVLA), and providing fishing and well as road tax. It was important to briefly describe the services the Post Office provides, as it is one of its major strength diversified services for diversified group of people. Post Office has done extremely well in identifying its opportunities in the past and kept on introducing new service lines in its portfolio, this has helped the Post Office to survive in its long journey, and grabbing these opportunities in the past has today become its strength, the Post Office no longer just survives on the Post al services that it provides to its customer, and has successfully made its other services like insurance and license services very profitable. Infrastructure The venture of General Post Office began in the 1660, by Charles II and has eventually evolved as the modern Post Office as we know of today. Today the Post Office has around has 12,000 branches spread widely and all around UK. This major establishment sure has taken time, but today when we evaluate this wide coverage by the Post Office it sure is its true strength. The only word to describe this coverage by the Post Office is National infrastructure. It truly has developed over a period of time a national infrastructure enabling it to reach to each and every customer all around UK. Possessing this national Infrastructure is quite advantageous for the Post Office as it becomes quite effortless to make its new product reachable. This large infrastructure also facilitates more customers spread all around UK. It has also helped the Post Office to reach its customer and for the customers to reach it easily, making them closer and intact with their customers. Weaknesses Improper distribution It is very important for every organization to be able to evaluate its weakness. Weakness is internal interference that becomes hurdle for the organization to achieve its objectives. In case of Post Office the operations have been suffering losses since the year 2006 and the management had to take drastic measures to convert these losses in profit in order to survive. There lies the weakness in its strength of national infrastructure, in the financial year 2008-09 the Post Office had to close down around 2500 Post Offices all around UK in order to reduce the operating expenses of the organization. The organization had around 14,376 branches spread around UK, which got reduced to around 12,000 branches in the year 2009, which shows how the distribution of the Post Offices was unproductive. Unproductive distribution of Post Office resulted in division of customer to a part that it became unprofitable. Questionable customer service quality Out of its extended number of branches which is around 12,000 only 373 are directly owned by the Post Office Ltd. The rest around 98% are either sub-Post Offices or franchise are privately owned. The Post Office has not got any consolidated training system, which would enable its braches to provide consolidate training to its customer advisors. The only training method adopted in Post Office all around UK is the old staff training the new staff, which is certainly not a professional manner of training a staff. Training becomes an important part of working with the Post Office as the system it uses to serve the customer is horizon. It is a very complex hi-tech system, which enable the advisors to reach all its product with ease, but in order to be able to use the system efficiently, a systemized training methodology should be adopted, which is not practised in case of Post Offices. Hence leaving an efficiently trained customer advisor to serve the customer, which certainly reduces its quality of services, and the direct effect of these can be seen with the Post Offices losing its largest footfall customer to highly efficient and quality customer services competitors. Industrial dispute Post Office is a subsidiary of Royal Mail Ltd, which also own Royal Mail, and Parcel Force, which are its collection and delivering division. Royal Mail is been a centre of a number of recent industrial disputes with the Communication Workerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s Union. The extended dispute between the management and the staff lasted around 7 months and resulted into the staff going on a number of strikes, which disrupted the business severely. Post Office thrives certainly, but not majorly on its Post al foot fall customer for its other services. There was a enormous decrease in the number of Post al customer, because of the strike called on by CWU, in the year 2009, which makes its internal dispute with the staff a major weakness. The strike carried on by the staff resulted into inefficient delivery of the mails, which makes the customer hunt for another more efficient delivery or courier service provider, hence decreasing its own customer line. Opportunities Extensive range of services enabling cross-selling opportunities Extended customer line of the Post Office, from banking, Postal, investment, insurance, pension, licensing customer and others provides a huge potential to the Post Office to enable the cross selling to its customer. Every pension customer is a potential over 50 life cover customer, and bureau de change customer is a probable customer for selling travelling insurance. Every DVLA customer is a probable car insurance customer. With such a huge potential customer foot fall, the Post Office surely gets a competitive advantage over its rivals in the market. Further consolidation in the banking industry The Post Office offers a huge line of financial products, from foreign exchange, to insurance, from credit cards to investment opportunities to its customer. The Post Office offers basic banking services by the means of cash withdrawals, cash deposit, cheque deposit etc, looking at such a huge line of customers. The post office should capitalize on their banking customers by providing basic savings and current account services either through organic growth or with a joint venture with a trustable partner and take advantage of reforming financial services. A national infrastructure would surely provide them with the competitive advantage and make their operations economical and sustainable for longer period of time. Further consolidation of brand image The Post office in the year ending 2008-09 closed down 85 of its crown post offices, out of, which 70 were sold to W H Smith, which is expected to make 2.5 million in additional profit in that financial year. This strategy can be critically evaluated and taken at a next level, by creating a joint venture with Hallmark, Greetings cards or such established organization, to which posting services can be related. The customers will have the convenience of two related services at a single stop. This can work in advantage for both the organization as it adds value to the product and the services. Threats Revolutionary changes within the Industry The postal Industry, is going through a lot of changes, technology is taking over the traditional mailing system. People as well as corporate industry rely heavily on technology for communication. Using the technology has its own set of benefits, as it is safer, cost effective and faster than traditional mailing methods. Advancements in technology are inevitable and the near future can be visualized with reducing dependence on postal system. This is a sure threat for the postal industry as technological advancements is eating away its probable market. A research conducted at the royal mail showed a reduction of 10 million customer using postal services compared with the last year, this give a serious indication as to how the reliance on the postal system is reducing ( Increase in competition The mailing industry is becoming intensely competitive, unlike in the past, where the post office enjoyed the monopoly of having the maximum share of the industry. Companies like DHL, TNT, Fed-ex etc are providing intense competition to the UKà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s oldest posting organization. The customer has evolved from merely being cost effective to cost against time evaluation, today the customer are ready to pay a suitable extra amount for ensuring the time and safety of the delivery, the private players have certainly gained their confidence in this sector by providing safe, secure and timely services. Thus, the Post Office faces sever competition from these private players in national and international market. Overall assessment of the organisationà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s position 10% of the marks are allocated for overall conclusions on the balance of SWOT elements. SWOT analysis is a continuous process, and just as important as other management functions. The fact that the post office has been extending its line of product and service offerings to its customers proves that the post office has been conducting a continuous research on the product line. Recently, it has been offering its postal services on-line, which facilitates the customer to utilize their services at the comfort of their home. Industrial dispute, for which the Royal mail has faced much criticism, has proved very damaging for it overall brand image. National joint-venture or organic growth in banking industry is one of the biggest opportunities that lie in-front of the post office. Advancing the product line of the post office, a national level merger with W H Smith or any other stationary or greeting cards organizations will be an opportunity of adding brand value to its organization. Finally, talking about the threat that the post office faces is quite clear with the significant increase in the number of customer reeling on technology to communicate. Modern customer is ready to let go of cost if the services offered are time specific, private player are surely a notch ahead of post office in providing such time efficient services, which gives a set back to post office services. But, I see a promise in post office management, as it has been able to overturn its losses into profits and been able to maintain an extended and well diversified product and service portfolio, which I see being continued in the near future.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Aids in the thrid world country :: essays research papers

In 2004 circa 95 thousand people died in Latin America. Cause of death? In a world of today where there is an abundance of bloodshed and carnage, surprisingly violence is not the primary cause of death but AIDS is. Having taken health classes for over five years, HIV/AIDS and STD ¡Ã‚ ¯s were not new or surprising. I became apathetic and impassive to such related issues. It seemed like something distant and remote that would never happen to me. But then a startling news article that stated in large bold letters,  ¡Ã‚ °Brazil houses one-third of the carriers of the HIV virus in Latin America ¡Ã‚ ± caught my attention. In the article it stated that in 2004, circa 95 thousand people died of Aids in Latin America and there were 240 thousand new people diagnosed with HIV. This daunting article was a revelation. It awoke me from the beautiful and hygienic fairy-tale world I was in and dropped me into arms of the real world, where AIDS and STD ¡Ã‚ ¯s are not that remote and it could happen to anyone. In Latin America out of the 400 million inhabitants nearly 1.7 million are carriers of the virus that causes AIDS. This incurable deadly virus is spreading in a frightening manner. People diagnosed with HIV are increasing by 25% each year in Latin America. The cause is due to ignorance. People tend to believe that only homosexuals are affected by the virus. What they are unaware of is that HIV is caused by exchange in blood, semen, or other bodily fluids. Therefore everyone is susceptible to the virus, primarily consumers of injectable drugs and people that have multiple sex partners and those that don ¡Ã‚ ¯t use protection during the act of intercourse. This issue is important, firstly because a third of the carriers of the virus live where I live. Consequently it made me more conscious and aware of the environment I live in and it also made me a more grateful person. Secondly it is a serious issue that is burgeoning and if not contained could in the long run expunge a large population of people in Latin America. Immediate containment of the virus is imperative. In order to reduce the spread of the virus most importantly people should become educated and conscious of the virus. In a country where a large portion of the population is from the lower class not many people received proper sex education consequently public awareness of this issue is low if almost negligible.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Melting Pot Theory :: immigration in America

The Melting Pot Theory In the 1800’s and the early 1900’s, some people gave the America the name, the melting pot. People imagined this because thousands and thousands of immigrants coming from around the world were coming into the United States in hope of a better life. So most people imagined that all these different cultures were being poured into a giant pot called America, heated to a low boil and molded into one kind of person. If one steps back and thinks about this theory, it isn’t entirely true. In fact, it’s not really true at all. If one takes a closer look at America today, one sees millions of people labeled Americans but not by how they act, what religions they practice and what kind of foods they eat but where they are born. total opposites. Now all Americans must be able to speak English, or at least bad English, and they must also follow the laws set fourth by out four fathers, but no two Americans are alike. Take San Francisco for example. Twenty years ago, it was the center for the hippie movement, but just down the street from Haight and Ashbury there is a place called China Town. A place placed filled with Chinese Americans, shops and temples that could be easily mistaken for buildings only found in China . In Ohio, one could meet a Caucasian farmer, a African American businessman, an Amish family or even a reporter who has a strong German background all in the same day. So many different people living together in one piece of land. Now, after taking a closer look, no one really melted together to make just one kind of person. But what did they do? One could say that the English man could be symbolized as lettuce, Africans as black olives, Germans as radishes, Italians as tomatoes and so on and so forth making a giant salad. All different kinds of fruits and vegetables tossed together in a bowl to create one dish.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Fantastik All-Purpose Cleaners

Case: fantastik All-Purpose Cleaners Key Decision: Develop a brand strategy to increase fantastik’s sales and maintain its leadership position in the increasingly competitive all-purpose cleaner market. Problem/Opportunity: fantastik has limited financial resources to promote and develop its brand. Also, other heavy price discounting and new higher-priced cleaning products have threatened fantastik’s market leading position. Thus, fantastik needs to lower its retail price or innovate product categories to attract and maintain customers.Stakeholders: Johnson family benefit from the profits earned and success of the business. Customers need the strong cleaning function provided by the cleaners. Employees need a stable and safe working environment and expected salaries. Analysis: Internal: fantastik has leading brand equity in industry and strong social responsibility that commit to communities and the environment, thus customers who pursue green lifestyle could be loyal t o fantastic. Moreover, fantastik’s retail price $3. 9 is relatively high compared with its competitors, thus it may lose customers who are price sensitive. External: Consumers are moving towards environmentally friendly products, it gives fantastik a good opportunity and competitive advantage to compete with other competitors. Consumer Analysis: The target market is women aged from 25 to 49 who are responsible for the cleanness at home and has upper household income. They are concerned about quality of life, thus they prefer to purchase product with high quality.Competitive Analysis: The competitors are other all-purpose cleaners such as Lysol, Easy Off Bam, Mr. Clean, Vim, Hertel and private label. Those competitors offer lower retail price than fantastik and have strong cleaning function. Especially, private label products have the advantage of high margin for retailer and good shelf space. Alternative Marketing Strategies: Decision criteria: 1. Maintain competitive market share 2. Commit to environment 3. Allocate limited financial recourses successfullyAlternatives: 1. Develop new form of product and consistent with environmental responsibility. 2. Reduce retail price to remain competitive in the market. 3. Develop new scent of fantastik. It will cost too much to do market research and test and it’s easy to be copied by competitors. Recommendation: Decision: fantastik should develop new form of product and be consistent with environmental responsibility to attract more customers and improve household penetration, thus it can extend its product life cycle.Implementation Plan: Marketing Strategy: Target women aged from 25 to 49 who are responsible to do the cleanness of home and position high quality and functional benefit of product. Marketing Mix: Produce higher quality and new function product and commit to environment responsibility to earn brand equity from customers, and use higher retail price to indicate its high quality and make profit through high margin in the beginning.Moreover, company should use personal selling, product show and shelf advertising as promotion strategy. Finally, company can choose convenience stores nearby community as distribution centres in addition to major grocery, drug and mass merchandisers. Expected Results: fantastik can increase its dollar share by 4% in 2007 and keep its market leading position through implementing the marketing strategy.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

King Lear and Little Boy Crying

Research and provide examples of the following literary terms: 1 . Simile- A simile is a direct comparison that always contains word as or like. Examples: He is as wealthy as 3111 Gate. Her personality Is like a bubble In a bottle to champagne. 2. Metaphor- A metaphor Is a comparison without the use of as or like. It refers to a person or object (as) being (like) another. The comparison Is Implied rather than stated directly.Examples: He is a half witch. 3. Personification-A trope or figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is given human qualities or abilities. Examples: The wind stood up and gave a shout. The road isn't built that can make it breathe hard. Litotes- Is a figure to speech consisting to an understatement In Welch an Attractive Is expressed by negating Its opposite. Litotes uses a negative and an opposite to understate what Is Intended. Examples: He is no Einstein. (He is academically weak) 5.Hyperbole-An Hyperbole is an over -exaggeration, not mean t to be taken literally. It aims to create humor or to emphasize a point. Examples: The teacher complained that she had had hundreds of interruption that ay. She prepared enough food to teed an army. E. Paradox- A paradox Is a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement when analyzed, Is found to be true. The opposites are not next to each other, but are found In the same sentence. Examples: You will kill him with your kindness. (Your kind deeds are doing more harm than good. She is only happy when she has something to worry about. (A happy worrier. ) 7. Euphemism – It expresses an unpleasant or uncomfortable situation in a more sensitive, kind and tactful manner, The purpose Is to soften the blow, protect feelings or to be politically correct. Example: The camp forbids any form of chemical stimulants. (Drugs and Alcohol) 8. Ellipsis- It is the act of leaving out a word or words from a sentence deliberately, when the meaning can be understood without them. The three dots (.. Are used to show that a word or words have been left out.Example: â€Å"But, I thought he was Preposition- It raters to an event arising bettor the commencement to the bankruptcy case that Is before the filling of the bankruptcy petrol. This Is onto literary term because It Is not used In figurative or nonliterary sense, and it Is not used to express language by using its usual literal meaning. I believe that this is a typing error, made when the writer added a â€Å"m' in front of a literary term â€Å"Repetition†. Repetition- Is the simple repeating of a word, within a sentence or a poetical line, with no particular placement to the words in order to provide emphasis.Example: we must all hang together or assuredly we shall hang separately. † 10. Pun- meaning is used to convey humor. They are used in headlines to grab attention and also in Jokes or riddles. Example: Cricket captain stamped. 11 . Suggestion- an idea or a plan that you mention for somebody else to thin k about. Example: â€Å"Children hooked refrain from criminal activity' suggests the inspector general. 12. Irony- The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. The intention is for the opposite to be understood.Examples: â€Å"l can't wait for my detention on Friday afternoon. † Walking into the empty cinema, the woman exclaimed,† fortunately, we booked† 13. Sarcasm- sarcasm, like irony, occurs when one thing is said, but something else is intended or understood. However, sarcasm is used with the express purpose of hurting, insulting or humiliating. Examples: Mimi must have worked very hard to be bottom of the class. 14. Rhetorical- is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked in order to make appoint.The question is used as a rhetorical device, posed for the sake of encouraging its listener to consider a message or viewpoint. A rhetorical question expects no answer. Example: â€Å"Why are we allowing stress to become an invisible enemy? † Task 2 poem: â€Å"LITTLE BOY CRYING† Relationship between the father and his son in this poem is shown in different ways, using different themes and literal devices such as personification, metaphor and imagery It depicts an angry, sad and frustrated boy whose mind is full of assessment, because of the heartless and cruel behavior of his father.The poet use of a metaphor in the first stanza â€Å"your frame so recently relaxed now tight† (line 6) highlights the perplexed mind of the child. He is very unnerved by this unpleasant slaughter of his hopes of an ecstatic pastime, and his mind is full of spiteful feelings of his father. The poet use of imagery â€Å"swimming tears â€Å", â€Å"splashing your bare feet† and â€Å"angling for a moment's hint†, shows that the boys tries try to catch a glimpse and of guilt in his father's eyes and to make his father realize the anguish he is going through.The use of metaphor ical phrase â€Å"ogre towers above you† and â€Å"grim giant† displays the father as a very dominant person over the child who is comparatively extremely defenseless and vulnerable and it also depicts the father as a negative person and his son unequivocally hates and loathes him. I do agree that the boy finally learnt a lesson from the father's capital punishment. The father is extremely concerned about the boy and he does not take any pleasure in making his son cry but, even if he is in a great dilemma, he chooses to teach his child a lesson than appeasing him, â€Å"wavering hidden behind that mask†.Play: KING LEAR Task 4 In this play many characters tend to value appearance above the reality, illusion want to see, hear and believe what they think it suits them most and they tend to turn a blind eye on reality. There are also those who present themselves falsely, either to gain advantage or to reveal truth. The play starts off with Lear, as he wishes to be t reated as a king and enjoy the title, but does not wish to have to deal with the hassle of governing the country. This is mirrored in his test he gives to daughter, where he asks â€Å"which of you shall we say doth love us most? (l . 1. 48) the way this question is phrased already demonstrates that he values a flattering public display of love over real love. Despite the fact that Cornelia, Learns favorite daughter refuses to partake in his game causes him to banish her from the kingdom and his close ally Kent. He confuses declarations of love with love itself. He asks only for the appearance, he does not recognize the real love of Cornelia from her single word, ‘nothing. He mistakes Cordillera's monosyllable, ‘nothing as an insult.When he retaliates with the quip ‘nothing will come of nothing and he does not recognize that this truth will apply specifically to him. Instead he values Generic and Reggae's fake sense of fawning over Cordillera's demonstration of si ncere sense of filial duty. He believes his two older daughters' sycophantic professions of love, rewarding them with his kingdom. Lear does not recognize his good retainer Kent after long years of service because of Ken's disguise. Lear is quick to accept him at face value, without any attempt to gain a deeper understanding of him.Even after reconciliation with Cornelia, Lear mistakes appearance for reality. He believes Cornelia to be alive when she is, in reality, dead. Secondly, in this play we read about the second character that s also unable to establish the difference, in his mind, between what people are saying and doing, and what these people's true motives are behind their action. His fate parallels Learns when his choice of appearance over reality puts him at the mercy of his evil, ungrateful child.When Edgar, the good son in disguise as Poor Tom, a madman, pretends to lead his blind father to his blind father to his death at the cliff of Dover, Gloucester, through the il lusion of death, is led to an acceptance of afflictions of life. Ironically, the truth kills Gloucester when Edgar reveals his identity. Gloucester sees himself differently from the people around him; he feels that he is a royal, respected man, holding some power and status. Learns evil daughters, however, decide that Gloucester is a traitor by advising Lear to escape to Dover; that is their reality.For Lear and Gloucester, they allow the deception of their children to destroy them; they value people and situation by appearance, and they have perceptions for themselves which are not realistic. Similarly, we leant that a person cannot accept anything at a face value but must search for deeper truths and learn to recognize and avoid deceit. Task 3 Play: KING LEAR ‘Of all the plays villains in King Lear, Edmund is the most complicated villain character in this play. He is morally bad, evil and he is responsible for causing many harms and wreaking destruction upon virtually many c haracter in this play.He is a perfect schemer and an unscrupulous character that highly portrays his eagerness to seize any opportunity and does anything to attain his goal. In act 1, scene 2, line 1-22, Edmund delivers soliloquy expressing his dissatisfaction with society's attitude toward bastard. He bitterly resent his legitimate half-brother, Edgar who stands to reveilles that society has denied him. In his soliloquy he talks of his forged letter which he will use to discredit his brother and deceives his father to place Edgar in a bad light.His serial treachery is not merely self-interested; it is a conscious rebellion against the social order that has denied him the same status as Gloucester legitimate son Edgar. â€Å"Now, gods stand up for bastards† Edmund commands, but in facts he depends not on divine aid but on his own initiative (1. 2. 22). He rejects the â€Å"plague of custom† (1. 2. 3) that makes society disdain him and dedicates himself to nature† (l . 2. 1) that is raw and unconstrained existence. After his betrayal of Edgar and his father, Cornwall, Reggae's husband, becomes like a new father to Edmund, as he also has an opportunistic bent.Edmunds affairs with Generic and Reagan tie the two subplots together very well, although the relationships are not presented in detail, and they do not exist in the source material for Edmund, Plexiglas. He does not appear to have as much affection for the two sisters as they do for him, and although he was effective against his father and brother, he cannot effectively play the two sisters off against each other It is notable that when he speaks to Generic and Reagan, he does not speak well, whereas in other situations he speaks very well – this is partially due to his trying to conceal his involvement with both of them.Edmund is the sisters' lust object, rather than true love, although he himself does not realize this. The death of Oswald plays the main role in the disclosure of the truth and this highly results in the death of Edmund. In act 4, scene 6, after Edgar injures Oswald, he hopes to prevent bloodshed by unsealing his letter than killing him. This letter actually contains evidence that Generic and Edmund are plotting to murder Albany. Edgar is appalled at this discovery against the life of Albany he hands him the letter at right time.Albany charges Edmund for capital treason and he challenges him to a duel. He calls forward any person to testify that Edmund is a traitor, the disguise Edgar enters, they fight and Edmund gets mortally wounded and he shows a flicker of weakness, and he eventually dies repenting to his villainy. Even if Edmund succeeds in deceiving his brother and betraying his father, he never finds true love. The community always regards him illegitimate. He is rare visible in peoples' eye (2. 1. 1) â€Å"look, sir, I bleed† he wants his father pay attention on him and gives him the love he need. The two older daughters of L ear regard him as their lust object rather than true love, although he himself does not realize this. I do not find Edmund as sympathetic character because throughout this play Edmund is not kind to other characters and he does care about their problems. He is not showing sympathy towards Lear when he is not storm all alone without any shelter and he finally orders the killing of Cornelia without showing sympathy to Learns mental condition.